Ukraine war part 5: How Russia fights (an analysis of casualty figures)
In part 1 of my Ukraine series, I had provided my estimate of casualties on both sides. I had updated by estimates of July, to include an analysis by Mediazona (with the BBC) on Russian casualties. This is the most intellectually rigorous (and therefore credible) work on the subject I’ve found. It was heartening to me that against my `back of envelope’ estimate in July of 40,000 Russian dead and irrecoverable casualties (dead + seriously wounded and prisoner) of 120,000 Mediazona’s estimate at the end of August was 47,000 dead and 125000 irrecoverable casualties. Part 1 of the Ukraine series: In response to feedback that my blog is more supportive of the Russian position than the mainstream media, it must be reiterated that there is no equivalent analysis of casualties in Ukraine, therefore I have to confine myself to studying Russian casualty figures. The purpose of this post is to analyze what these...