Ukraine war part 9. Sector wise analysis.
In my last post (part 8), I had suggested that there are credible sources to calculate casualties from both sides. These estimates match known numbers of the strengths of each army pre-war, recruitment figures & current strengths, in which the balancing figure is `irreplaceable casualties’, which are 247000 for Russia and 377000 for Ukraine, upto 10 Sept 24. Based on the known strength of each side in 2024, this post attempts to explain operations in each part of the front, based on Russian strategy, the size of forces on both sides, in each sector and Ukrainian losses this year in each sector. The following two tables should be referred to. The first is open source data on the Order of battle (ORBAT) of each side in each sector. The Second is the Russian Ministry of defense estimate of sanitary losses (all dead and wounded) for each day this year on every part of the front. As we have seen in the ...