Kashmir - 5 years after Article 370
I wrote an article 5 years ago, in Swarajya, when article 370 was revoked. https://rpdeans.blogspot.com/2023/07/kashmir-way-forward-after-370.html In that I suggested that developing tourism had the potential to transform the state, by generating hundreds of thousands of jobs. This is what happened in Tibet when mass tourism from Mainland China followed the development of high speed rail, which increased tourism 80 times, to over 40 million a year (compared with 2.7 million visiting the Kashmir valley). The barriers to this were the completion of long delayed infrastructure projects (such as the rail project linking Srinagar to Jammu and northern India) and the level of militancy. 5 years after the revocation of article 370 is enough time to see how things progressed. Militancy: Avg. 2014 - 18 Avg. Aug ‘19 - Jul 24 Jun-Jul 24 Civilians Killed / year 132 ...